Windows 7 – Triggering UAC Popup from Command Line Without Custom Tools

runasuacwindows 7

In Win7, a user can right-click on a program and choose 'Run as administrator'. You get a popup, but do not have to enter the administrator password.

I would like to get the same functionality, but from the commandline – in particular, from inside a .bat file.

I am aware of the built-in runas command, but I have not found a way to use that that doesn't end up asking for a password at some point.

I am also aware of the Process.StartInfo.Verb = "runas"; method, which does exactly what I want, but requires me creating a custom .NET app.

Is there any way, using only built-in commandline tools in Win7, to accomplish this?

Update: Thanks to uSlackr, I worked out this command:

powershell Start-Process cmd.exe -Verb RunAs

Of course, the cmd.exe is just a placeholder.

Best Answer

You can use the Start-Process cmdlet in Powershell with the RunAs verb. More here:

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