DVD Drive Not Visible in Windows 8 Developer Preview – Solution


After installing the Windows 8 Developer Preview (64-bit) on my PC, I can no longer see my DVD drive. What could be wrong?

My PC specifications:

  • Gigabyte GA-EP41T-UD3L (G41) motherboard
  • Samsung DVD (connected via SATA)
  • Intel Core 2 Duo 2.93GHz
  • 4GB DDR3 RAM
  • ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series 1GB

The "Hide Empty Drives" option has been Unchecked, but had no effect.

Best Answer

Windows8 is still in its infancy, and many drivers are not yet stable enough to deploy to Windows8. Unfortunately this means that you will not be able to use your drive on the Windows8 CP until either the Windows8 RC or unless the manufacturer of the drive releases drivers compatible with the Win8 CP.

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