Linux – Can’t login in Kali Linux


I installed Kali Linux a month ago. It was good until today.

When I submit username and password the box disappears and reappears again asking about username and password. It shows no error. I just can't login.

I also tried to make new account and try login but same problem occur. I don't wanna reinstall it.

Best Answer

I saw this post on a quest for a solution to the same problem. I couldn't find an answer. What i then tried doing was this and it worked.

  1. While in the username screen press Ctrl+Alt+F1
  2. Login with root.
  3. Type sudo apt-get update
  4. Type sudo apt-get upgrade
  5. Type sudo reboot

After that the system rebooted and the login worked! I hope this works for who ever finds this post.

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