Can’t find Developer Tools in LibreOffice Calc


I recently read that the Development Tools is available in LibreOffice since 7.2, but I can't find it in my (and then updated to installation… It should be found under menu item for Calc Tools -> Development Tools.

I do find the option available in Writer, Impress, and Draw.

What am I doing wrong? Or is this a bug?

Best Answer

Thanks to @harrymc 's indication about 3 different access methods. The 1st method, via menu, is missing as to the reason I asked the question. The 2nd method, via Tabbed Menu interface (Notebookbar), is also missing. The 3rd method, via toolbar... I don't know which toolbar it would be listed under, but I was able to manually add it to the standard tool bar.

Turned out, it could be because I had previously customized the menu and/or the Notebook bar, so the Development Tools didn't get added in the upgrade to 7.2 (and above). So there are 2 branches to fix this problem... 1) Reset the Menu, but this would remove any customization to the menu list or 2) customize as described below.

  1. View -> Toolbars -> Customize
  2. In Menus tab (or Toolbars tab if you want to add to the toolbar). NOTE: If you simply want to reset the menu, press the Reset button and skip the rest of the steps.
  3. In the Search box, type in Development, press TAB to execute search. Development Tools should appear in the Available Commands field.
  4. On the right side, Target select Standard, and choose your insertion location.
  5. Click the -> arrow to add to the target toolbar.
  6. Click OK to complete.

Customize Toolbars

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