Windows – Can’t delete font files

file-permissionsfontswindows 10

I have 3 font files on my desktop that I placed there temporarily to do some testing with them. I installed them "temporarily" using Suitcase Fusion.

Since then I am not able to delete those fonts from my computer. Suitcase Fusion shows that they are not activated and I have no programs open (after a fresh restart), yet I can't delete those files.

In the Control PanelFonts window, these fonts are shown with a shortcut arrow symbol on them (what does that mean?). I used Nirsoft's "Open Files Viewer" to see if they were open and they are shown to be open, and the process is shown as "System process"

I also tried to delete them from the Control Panel. It asks to confirm the deletion, so I confirm, but it doesn't actually delete.

What can I do to delete these font files? I'm using Windows 10 Pro 64 bit.

Best Answer

This Registry key manages fonts that the system knows about:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts

I discovered in an older answer that removing a value of that key or changing a value's data to point to a nonexistent file will make Windows not see the font as usable.

Therefore, if you remove the Registry entries that correspond to the fonts you want to torch (and then restart to make the system reload everything), you should be able to delete the fonts' files.

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