Linux – Can’t connect using ssh after enabling it on Kali Linux using the root user and password


I have enabled SSH and Port forwarded on my router to port 22 and I can't login as root user and password using putty it says access denied, and I can't connect to it using the same linux OS using the root user and password. It says Permission denied, please try again.

Can someone please let me know what I need to do to connect?

SSH Can't Connect

Best Answer

To install SSH on Linux using terminal

To see if ssh is installed on Linux (the client) to see if it is installed on the computer type:


See If SSH Client Is Installed

To see if ssh server is installed on the Linux system type:

ssh local host

local host (is the loopback IP address, the IP address that the computer uses to talk to the same Linux OS)

SSH Local Host

To install ssh server type:

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Install SSH Server

To see if the ssh server is active type this:

sudo service ssh status

To See if SSH Server Is Active

type Ctrl+c after this if the terminal won't let you type anything now.

If the server is active you can type this command to start it:

sudo service ssh start

enter image description here

Then you can use this command to to see if it is now active:

sudo service ssh status

See If SSH Server Is Active

Type Ctrl+c after this if the terminal won't let you type anything now.

and to stop the SSH server you can type this if want to stop it sometime:

sudo service ssh stop

you can also check the status using this command to make sure it stopped:

sudo service ssh status

If you are using Virtual Box and need to type Ctrl+c, make sure you hold down the Ctrl button and then type c while still holding Ctrl; Virtual Box uses this key as default as the host key so you might have to try the other Ctrl button on the keyboard if this is not working.

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