Can’t Boot Windows after BackTrack 5 install

bootbootloaderinstallationlinuxwindows 7

My computer won't allow me to boot into Windows 7 after I installed BackTrack 5 (A Linux Distro). I don't believe this is a boot sector problem because, as you will see in the video, the Windows bootloader is working, but Windows won't load. It freezes at AtiPcie64.sys when it loads. I removed AtiPcie64.sys from the drivers folder then there was a problem with ClassPNP.sys. I just copied and pasted the driver in hopes that the Windows default VGA driver would kick in. *I know now have AtiPcie64.sys back in drivers folder.

I need help diagnosing and fixing this problem. I'd rather not format any partitions, if able.

Extra Info:
When I use diskpart (from the Installation USB) I get invalid dynamic disk. However, the partition managers show that my disk is a Basic disk.

Windows attempts to boot into Safe Mode.

Last known config and restore point don't work.

I'm on a dual boot with Kali Linux, a Debian based Linux, installed.

Automatic Repair doesn't detect Windows, even when Windows bootloader is enabled and Grub disabled.


Windows will not boot now that I have installed Linux. It starts to boot, then the computer resets before getting very far.

I decided I want Linux (I love it, even though I'm having this problem) so I installed BackTrack 5. When I installed I couldn't get the install side-by-side option so I just partitioned some memory from the HDD to add unallocated space. In the installer I used the unallocated space for the BT5 Installation. I was running BT5 and went to boot Windows and I couldn't.

I wasn't worried. I popped in the Win7 Installation Live USB I had made, and then I started to worry because the automatic repair wouldn't work and neither would the bootrec and bootsect commands. I now have Kali 1 which is a Debian Wheezy distribution. I included the boot-repair info and a youtube video to show what happens when I try to boot Windows.

I'm about try to get a cracked copy of Windows 7 so I can run it Live off of a USB and run EasyBCD.

(I hope this doesn't get blocked for being too localized because I really need the help. I've done days of research now to try to fix my problem.)

[Edit] I'm now leaning towards a driver error because the Windows Bootloader starts and runs as seen in the YouTube video.

[Edit2] Disk part says that the hard is an invalid dynamic disk ]

Best Answer

The live USB version of Windows is just that, it runs from the USB so it makes sense that it would run. It is in no way tied to the Linux/Win7 installs that reside on your hard drive.

I'd be inclined to think you may have scrapped your windows 7 install when you installed Linux. If bootsect and startup repair are failing, I'd start off loading any files you want to keep that reside on the windows partition.

The easiest/quickest way to get everything working would be to start from scratch. Format the hard drive and install Linux, then install windows 7 on a separate partition. This will give you access to the boot menu to choose the OS as well. Who cares what exactly is making it not start, just bypass the issue entirely and get on with life. You been at this for days already? This method will have you up and running in under an hour.

Even if you choose to not use the method above, I would still advise backing up your files on the windows 7 partition before proceeding with any other actions. Your in a somewhat fragile area and the wrong action could result in total data loss.

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