Can’t access web server


I'm running a home web server, mostly as a learning experience – I've got everything set up, I can access it via http:\\localhost\ as well as http:\\\, but I can't seem to access it from anything further than the router. I've already port-forwarded ports 80 and 443 to my local IP (which is manually assigned), but when I try to access it via my domain or via external IP, it has Error 118 – Connection Timed Out.

I think I had it working before – I just noticed this problem when I was coming home from a vacation. I'm not sure if my ISP is now blocking port 80, or what. (https also times out, but works fine locally.) I'm using Bellsouth/ATT, so the only port being blocked should be 25/TCP.

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Best Answer

I don't know about your particular ISP, but I am pretty sure most ISPs block port 80. Here are some things you can try.

First, you can verify that your router is accessible from the internet. Most router firmwares allow some form of "remote access" . Pick a random port, beyond 8000, say 8680. Then, verify that you are able to access the router at http://your.actual.ip.address:8680. If this opens up your router page, you are on the right track.

Next, try changing the port. You don't have to mess with the server, just forward port 8700 externally to internally. Try accessing http://your.actual.ip.address:8700 and that should reach your server.

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