Cannot install Guest Additions on Windows 7 host, Windows 8 guest


I've installed VirtualBox 4.1.18 on my 64-bit Windows 7 Professional SP1 machine. The guest is running x64 Windows 8 Enterprise.

I've read in numerous places that to get the guest to take up more than a fraction of my screen I need to install Guest Additions via the guest window Devices menu > Install Guest Additions…

When I try to do this, however, nothing happens. No error messages, no dialog box of any kind. Absolutely nothing. I might as well be clicking on the title bar of the window or something.

I can see VBoxGuestAdditions.iso in the VirtualBox installation folder on the host machine. I tried manually mounting it to the CD/DVD drive of the guest but that made no difference. Two posts I came across said explicitly not to mount it, so in the guest window I then selected Devices > CD/DVD Devices > Remove disk from virtual drive. Didn't make any difference either.

Is this a problem with running Windows 8 as a guest or am I doing something wrong?

Best Answer

  1. DevicesCD/DVD DevicesRemove disk from virtual drive
  2. Check your connectivity if you can reach out
  3. Devices menuInstall Guest Additions
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