Cannot connect to suse linux server remotely using ssh


i have SuSE10 SP2 installed.
I have started the ssh daemon and iam able to login locally on the server
but when i try to connect remotely using putty i get connection refused error.
I have disabled the firewall on suse. and also i am able to telnet remotely some how ssh is denied.

did i miss some ssh configuration?

please help.

kind Regards

Best Answer

We will need more information, for example, the content of sshd_config (eg., /etc/ssh/sshd_config) file, and the state of the server IP tables ("iptables -L" ran as root or through sudo).

A couple of things that worked for me in the past:

  • Do you have a router between your computer and the server? Is it blocking port 22? Is your ISP blocking port 22?

  • Try another port by changing the Port directive in your sshd config file and restarting your sshd daemon:

    Port 2222

  • Are you using TCP wrappers (e.g., what do you see in /etc/hosts.allow)? This is independent of the firewall.

  • As a previous user mentioned, are you trying to log as root (not recommended, but then, you need "PermitRootLogin yes")?

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