Cannot bind OSX to AD


I'm trying to get an mac mini running snow leopard server to join a windows domain here. The windows domain server is running Windows server 2008.

When I go to "Accounts" in my System Preferences, and lick on "Join", I get this error: "Unable to add server. Node name wasn't found. (2000)"

In my console messages I find this:

10-04-06 11:42:25 AM System
-[ODCAddServerSheetController handleOtherActionError: gotError:
Code=2000 UserInfo=0x2004f2f80 "Custom
call 82 to Active Directory failed.",
Node name wasn't found.

I specified a FQDN for the domain server, so I am totally confused as to why it would list "domain =…." in that error.

I've tried firing up the Directory Utility and trying to join a domain via the Active Directory option there. Again I fill in the FQDN, and the proper administrator/password acount info. Now I get a different error:

"Invalid Domain

An invalid Domain and Forest
combination was specified. You should
enter a fully qualified DNS name for
the domain and forest (e.g.,"

If anyone has any pointers or suggestions this would be appreciated.

Best Answer

The AD domains are discovered by looking at DNS. There is a resource record added for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs for each domain you have an AD domain.

Make sure your OS X box can resolve these DNS entries.

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