Can you force a .url file to open in a browser other than the default Browser


I have a couple .url shortcuts for some Silverlite material but my default browser (Chrome) can't use Silverlite. Is there a way to force the .url to open specifically in Internet Explorer instead of Chrome?

Best Answer

You didn't mention which OS you use but you can make an OS shortcut to launch your URL. In nearly all versions of Windows, right-click on the desktop and select new -> shortcut then enter iexplore.exe followed by the URL like so: Create Shortcut Dialog

That should open in IE just fine.


To make this work with a shortcut key you simply need to assign a shortcut key to it. You do this by right clicking the shortcut and selecting Properties.

Properties dialog

You need to pick a shortcut combination that is otherwise unused. The shortcut must also be on the desktop or start menu for this to work.

Alternatively, you can put the shortcut on your quick launch bar. If you do this you must use the key combination of Win + 1 - 0 to launch it depending on it's order in the quick launch bar (the first items is 1 and the 10th is 0).

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