Can you charge any device with Mini-B USB receptacle from any charger with Mini-B USB plug


I've got several devices with a mini-B USB receptacle – including my mobile phone/PDA and some headsets. Each came with its own AC adapter. I'm wondering if I can charge any of these devices from any charger with a mini-B USB plug – (1) AC adapter (2) car charger (3) computer USB port with A-to-mini-B cable.

With wall warts I know you've got to match voltage, polarity, DC plug, and the charger must supply enough amps to power the device. But if the charger has a mini-B USB plug, does that take car of the voltage (+5V) and polarity?

Best Answer

Yes it does, in terms of polarity and voltage, but not current. Some chargers short pin 5 (iirc) in order to tell the device that "hey we're breaking the USB standard here and you can draw more current."

Motorola phones will happily send 750 mA down the line, Blackberries 800 mA (that may be reversed). Usually extra current is just extra capacity and you're fine--it won't hurt a device. Under-current, however, will most likely fail to charge. Poorly designed devices may malfunction.

The USB 2.0 standard is for a device to draw 100 mA--and then ask for more current; most devices don't follow that part of the standard. (I have a device that does...and it has a mode that says "draw 500mA no matter what")

USB 3.0 will increase the currents allowed to 900 mA, and allow 150mA inital draw.

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