Can XMPP/Jabber support editing of messages and offline message like in Skype


I've got used to edit about 30% of my messages in Skype. Also I expect my messages to be delivered in the end independently of whether the peer is online now or not (i.e. eventually the message will arrive when we both will be online).

I haven't seen these features in Jabber yet although.

What XMPP clients (or what protocol extensions) should I use to support convenient chatting?

Actually want the chat to be more like wiki (putting links, also editing peer's messages, revision history, some formatting), but just using a wiki software is not that (no normal per-contact history, no normal notifications, no "use is typing…").

Best Answer

Also I expect my messages to be delivered in the end independently of whether the peer is online now or not (i.e. eventually the message will arrive when we both will be online).

XMPP servers/clients usually support sending messages to offline contacts. These XEPs might be relevant (maybe there are more):

I've got used to edit about 30% of my messages in Skype.

I don't know how Skype implemented this, but there is a XEP for editing the last message sent.

XEP-0308: Last Message Correction:

When sending a message, people often introduce typing errors and send a follow-up message to correct them. This specification allows the sending client to flag the second message as correcting the first.

I think OneTeam has implemented this feature (but I'm not sure, never used this client). There may be other clients, too.

/edit: as Zash noted, Swift supports it, too.

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