Can we increase Torrent share ratio using Local Peer Discovery


I just want to know whether this is a flaw or not in Bittorrent system.

Let us assume that I am member of a Private Torrent site which requires me to maintain a specific upload to download ratio.

Will this work:

  • I create a torrent of a large file say [ Fedora Linux ~ 4 GB ] and upload it to the tracker
  • I download the same torrent using my ID and start it on another machine on LAN or a Virtual machine
  • Both clients have Local Peer Discovery enabled, so they will find 'em [ not via DHT ] and start x'ferring data using LAN bandwidth at LAN speeds.
  • Though both uploads and downloads will increase, my ratio will also increase
  • If I reiterate the entire process 'n' times, the numerator in the "RATIO" i.e Upload will become so large that the effect of downloads on ratio will become less.

I want to know whether this is legitimate???

Update: This does work. 🙂

Best Answer

I would assume that the developers of bittorrent clients supporting local peer discovery would have already thought of this situation and not include upload/download statistics from local peers in the statistics reported to the tracker.

Or the client may not allow local peer discovery on torrents that are marked as private, similar to how DHT is disabled on private torrents.

If a client didn't behave in one of these two ways it would likely be blacklisted from most private trackers.

Additionally private trackers warn when using a seedbox not to download from your own seedbox using another client using the same account because it effects their statistics and would cause you to be labeled as reporting incorrect upload/download amounts, resulting in your account being banned. This is a similar situation to the one you described because both involve using the same account.

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