Can Vivaldi open tabs in the background


When using the Vivaldi browser (version 1.2), it is possible to right-click on a link in a web page and select Open In New Tab. This, of course, is common to most browsers nowadays.

Other browsers have a user setting whereby the browser will remain on the source page, leaving the newly opened page to render in a background tab. I find this useful if I want to open a couple of links on a page while continuing to read it.
Vivaldi always changes focus to the newly opened tab.

Vivaldi has no explicit setting to stay on the source page. Neither can I find
anything on Vivaldi Tips.

Is there a way, possibly a registry tweak, that will make Vivaldi stay on the page and make a newly opened tab render in the background?
It seems odd that a browser with so many customisation options can't do this.

Best Answer

Yes. Rightclick on a link, and instead of choosing Open in New Tab, choose Open in background tab, which is 2 items down in that list.

enter image description here

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