Can Raspberry Pi OS images be run under Windows 7 64 bit

64-bitarmraspberry pivirtualization

I've ordered a Raspberry Pi, but I'm on a long lead time and I'd like to start playing today!

I've downloaded the disc image, tried to boot it in Windows 7 Virtual PC and it doesn't work. Of course, it's because those images are built for the ARM CPU and I'm running a 64-bit version of windows 7.

So, I think the root of my question is, can I run a virtual PC which emulates a different CPU architecture under Windows?

I'll happily change the Virtual PC software I'm running! I expect that's essential.

Any advice would be gratefully received.


Best Answer

This should work: Emulating Raspberry Pi in Windows the easy way

Direct link to download: Raspberry Pi emulation for Windows

Just download the folder, unzip and run the batch file – then follow the supplied instructions to login etc.

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