Can RAM with a higher speed work


I have the memory below and I am looking at using the one below it, would it be OK to use? It appears to be a faster speed, is that OK? Also, mine says PC 4200, the new one says PC 2 5300 and the frequencies are different.

Currently I have: 1024 MB DDR2, 533 MHz, (PC4200) dual channel memory

Looking to get: KVR667D2/2GR DDR2 2 GB, 667 MHz/PC2-5300

Do you think this would work or not? I know I could use and stuff but I really want to buy something local today.

OK, I just realized on this is my 1st result for a match, so I guess it should work.

Sorry for the confusion, the PC in question is a Gateway GT5428 here is a link to the specs

Best Answer

It will work although keep in mind the lowest common denominator will be used. In other words the new memory you put in will run at the same speed as the slower stick.

To check for compatibility Crucial's Scanner is very good.

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