RAID 1 – Can a Single Disk RAID 1 Array Be Built?


I have an Nvidia hardware RAID 1 array and need to reformat. But I don't have any spare storage media, so I need to get along with the 2 disks in the array. I figured I'd do as follows:

  1. Delete the array, so I have 2 separate but identical disks, A and B, with my files
  2. Put disk B aside
  3. Reformat disk A, build RAID 1 array with it, install Windows XP
  4. Put disk B back in
  5. Boot to Windows on disk A, copy my files from disk B to disk A
  6. Add disk B to the RAID 1 array, rebuild array

And now I'd have a new RAID 1 array, fresh install and all my files intact (the ones I copied). Here are the parts I'm unsure about:

  • Can I build a RAID 1 array using just one disk, then add the other one later?
  • Can Windows on disk A see disk B and allow me to copy my files over?

Best Answer

I don't think you would be able to build a degraded (only one disk) raid array. Best plan is to copy the contents of disk B to some removable media (Ext HDD, flash drive, DVD's if you have to) build the array with both disks, copy the files over from the removable media.

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