Windows – Use the ‘Start’ Command with Spaces in the Path


I have a path like this: Y:\xxx\dd sss\aaa\ccc

Y:\ is mapped to an FTP address. Now when I try to use start to open my folder I cannot.
Command prompt makes mistake a and goes to Y:\xxx\dd folder!

I already tried to use %20 instead of a space, but that was also unsuccessful.

I am running this using a batch file from an Oracle form.

Best Answer

Use quotes like this:

start "" "Y:\foo bar\baz"

The start builtin command can be used to create new console windows, if you give it a console-based program (or nothing at all, in which case it starts the default cmd.exe shell).

If the first argument is quoted, start assumes it's the title for the new console window, so give it an empty title. The following argument will then be correctly interpreted as the command to run / file to open.

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