Can I use a USB 2 charger with a USB 3 cable


I have a Samsung Galaxy S5 phone that has a mini-USB3 socket. It came with a USB2 charger and cable.

I can buy a new USB3 cable, bud did not find a charger.

Can I use any USB2 AC adaptor to plug my USB3 cable and connect to the mini-USB3 port of the phone? Will it charger faster? Will anything break?

Best Answer

USB 3 is backwards compatible with USB 2

Standard USB 3 will work fine with a standard USB 2 plug/outlet
And I believe that the new micro USB 3 is split into two parts where one part is the usb 2 style plug and the other is the additional part required for USB 3. So you can just plug in the USB 2 compatible part and it should work. (This requires a version of the connector that does in fact split the two)

But as long as everything fits, no it won't break.

Also, you will only get a charge faster by plugging it into a source with more amps (like a wall socket). USB 3 has the support for more power but that requires a USB 3 charger.

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