Can Cmd-Left Be Controlled in macOS? – How to Guide

keyboard shortcutsmacos

On OSX, Cmd + is supposed to move your cursor to the beginning of a line; Cmd + is supposed to move your cursor to the end of a line.

Some OSX apps (e.g. Firefox and Adium) do the wrong thing when you press Cmd + . e.g. Firefox treats Cmd + like the back button; Adium switches between open conversation tabs.

In these cases, I've done my best to try to reconfigure the individual apps to do the right thing, but I feel like I'm plugging a leaking dam with my fingers; each config file and settings hack creates new problems.

What I want is to somehow bind Cmd + /Cmd + at the OSX operating system level, so individual apps like Firefox and Adium can't see them; it'd be great if I could replace them with Ctrl + A/Ctrl + E instead, for example, which most apps seem to support reasonably well.

Is this possible in OSX?

Best Answer

Alternatively cocoa text fields also support emacs style commands, so you can use Ctrl + A to go to the start of the line. Ctrl + / also seem to work for start/beginning of line.

This works in Adium and Firefox (at least the versions I just tested it on).