Terminal.app – How to Open Different Profiles with Shortcut Like iTerm

itermkeyboard shortcutsosx-snow-leopardprofileterminal.app

I've been using iTerm for a while, but I switched back to Terminal.app in Snow Leopard due to the Visor plugin.

Most of thing works pretty well after I switched to Terminal.app, except in iTerm, I can create different profiles and assign each profile with key shortcut. The advantage of this setup is that I can have non-transparency and transparency profile. If I need to look up a command on the background, I can start a transparency shell, and vice versa.

I was thinking to use Mac built-in "Application shortcut" in System preference. Though, I realize in Terminal.app, the "New Window" and "New Tab" have the same profile names, so the Application shortcut is confused and I can't assign a shortcut to it… Any thought on how to change menu name on Terminal (or even better, any application?)

Thanks for your help.

Best Answer

Create a window just how you like it, then under the "Shell" menu of Terminal.app select "Export Settings...". Save the file with a file name, and the resulting file can be used to open a new terminal window with the same settings.

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