Windows – install a Windows 8 App directly from the app store website

windows 8windows-store

The online website for the Windows 8 App Store is still in the "preview" stage and doesn't support searching through for apps. However, if you have a direct link to an app (for example, from the contest), then you can view its information online, without having to open the Store app.

The problem is, once you're on the webpage, there's no way to actually install the app. No "install" button, no "add to my account" or "download" or anything. The only way (that I've seen) to install the app is to go into the Store app and search for the desired app by name, hunt through the list of results, and install it from there.

Is there any way to just download it directly from the Windows App Store website, or at least open the app in the Store app without having to search for it?

Best Answer

If you open the app link from Internet explorer, there's an option to view the app in Windows Store.

enter image description here

The same, however, is absent in Google Chrome.

enter image description here

So right now, the way to go about this is to search(on Google?) using Internet Explorer and then use the View in Windows Store option - no real alternative.

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