Google-chrome – disable the cache in Chrome for specific hosts


I like using Chrome as my everyday browser, as well as for web dev work. I'd like to be able to prevent Chrome from caching anything from localhost (or really, any arbitrary host name) so that I don't have to hard-refresh (CtrlShiftR) all the time.

Is this possible? How?

Best Answer

You can't turn off the cache discriminately, but as of v15, you can turn it off completely via a settings panel that you access by clicking the gear button in the lower right corner of the developer tools window. On the network panel of the developer tools, you also have the option to clear cache from the right-click menu with only a confirmation dialog (i.e. it doesn't pop up the preferences tab the way "Clear Browsing Data" does.

Update: looks like this is now a checkbox on the developer tools network tab itself: enter image description here

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