Microsoft OneNote – Create Links to Open in Desktop App


I'm trying to create hyperlinks to my most frequently used OneNote notebooks and notes. It's easy to create the links (right-click a notebook/note and click "Copy Link to Notebook/Note"). But when I open the links, they start in the OneNote web app instead of the OneNote desktop app. Is there any way to create OneNote hyperlinks that open in the desktop app?

Note that my notebooks are stored on SkyDrive in case that makes a difference.

Best Answer

Links copied from OneNote look like this.
(Not a working link; much of the id has been removed) onenote:{4DEE-95E4}&page-id={003E-4B84}&object-id={0DCF-1D9C}&15

Copy the text starting at and including onenote: and everything after. Use it to create a link from any other application and the OneNote app will launch.

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