Can a single nVidia RTX 3080 drive 6 monitors or do I need to buy two cards

graphics cardmultiple-monitors

I want to build a set up with 6 monitors for productivity but I also want acceleration play games (even though most of the time they use one monitor). Can a single nVidia RTX 3080 drive 3 monitors or do I have to end up with 2 video cards?

Resolution wise, it shouldn't be a problem. The nVidia RTX 3080 can drive up to 7680×4320 (33m pixels) and I intend to use 6 monitors at 2560 x 1440 (22m pixels) but the problems is connections. I cannot find any card that has connectors for 6 monitors. They all seem to have 3 display ports and an HDMI or something around that.

Best Answer

RTX 3080 supports up to 4 displays according to specs on NVIDIA site.

Consumer-grade cards generally don't offer support for more than 4 displays. It's a niche feature available only on specialized cards, like for example Matrox C680 which has 6 MiniDP outputs.

If you need more outputs, you'll need a second card. I'm not sure if buying a cheaper one would work. It's possible that you could use the more powerful card to render frames into the buffer and then transfer them to cheap output-only card - that's how laptop hybrid graphics work - but I doubt official drivers support this on a desktop.

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