Blur or hide screen portion during realtime presentation


I am about to present my project tomorrow. Demonstrating the project involves showing account name to certain game, as my project manipulates that games launcher. Basically, I am about to present what I have described in this youtube video. You can see how I blurred the "Username" column.

In the video, I have blurred certain things. I was wondering if I could similarly hide my information during presentation. Answer to my question could also apply to people who want to hide their taskbar.

Best Answer

You can use on-screen annotation software to paint over the fields to hide before filling in their content. This would be in solid color though, not using a blur effect. The annotation "paint" will always be on top, but the annotation software will also allow you to use the windows below its layer.

For Windows, there is a list of software options here. For Linux, here.

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