Chrome – Blocked Chrome by Company’s Proxy


Chrome has just suddenly being blocked by my company for accessing internet. Instead, IE still works fine. It blocks the connection, the error says that my Chrome connection is timeout & the server is not responding

Error 118 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT): The operation timed out).

I guess the reason behind this is to standardize all user's browser for only using IE for security reason.

I have tried to change the user-agent string (--user-agent="... ") so that the Chrome will pretend to be as IE. and yet, still not working!

Could anyone shed my problem here? IE is just not comfortable so-called for surfing the web!

Best Answer

The proxy settings may be configured only for Internet Explorer. Make sure Google Chrome's proxy server settings are set to use the same proxy servers.

Many internet applications (such as web browsers) provide a means of defining proxy servers. Although there seems to be a move toward letting the Operating System handle this, there still are many applications that take care of these settings directly instead (there are legitimate reasons for and against both approaches).

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