Firefox – Block cookies by name, not by site, in Firefox

cookiesfirefoxgoogle analytics

Firefox allows blocking all cookies on a site-by-site level. This is OK for the most part. However, it does not help with blocking only Google Analytics cookies. The GA cookie names start with __ut.

How can I make Firefox block all __ut* cookies?

I know there are many cookie related add-ons for Firefox – but apparently all of them simply fine tune cookie site-by-site blocking, according to their descriptions. Hopefully I missed the one who can do this. I also know about Google's plugin to opt out of analytics. Installing a specific plug-in for that purpose (as opposed to an add-on) seems a bit overdone. Plus, I would have to trust Google with that and that is exactly what I don't.

  • Host file: putting Google Analytics into the host file is a good idea (if you don't like the tracking) but it does not help with the first party cookies coming from all sites which simply use the GA javascript in their pages.
  • Adblock plus: Fanboy's tracking list did not block new __utma etc. cookies, e.g. from It may work on many other sites (did not check).

Best Answer

Disabling Google Analytics by Adding a Code to Your Computer’s Windows Host File

This is pretty simple, but should only be attempted by someone who already knows what I'm talking about. You can just add the following code in the windows host file ( C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\etc) and Google Analytics will be blocked.

Disabling Google Analytics by Using the Customize Google Plug-in

Go to and download the Customize Google Plug-in. A pop up will appear. Click the allow button, a new dialog box will appear. Just click install. Once it's installed, restart your browser. Then go to tools>customize Google options> privacy and click don’t send any cookies from Google Analytics.

Note: It is not compatible with some versions of Firefox

Disabling Google Analytics by Using the AdBlock Plus Plug-in

Go to and download the AdBlockPlus plug-in. A pop up will appear. Click the allow button. A new dialog box will appear. Just click install and restart your browser once it's done. Then go to and subscribe to "ABP Tracking Filter" and you have successfully disabled Google Analytics.

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