Block access to certain website types


Need to block access to certain website types without listing each URL to block. Students at secondary school are going to porn sites. Need to be able to block all such access without having to list each possible site URL. Having the Content –> Ratings tab set to None for all categories on the ratings files listed on my computers does not prevent access.

Unchecking users may access sites with no rating, even with the security settings set to High, still allows the porn sites to come up. If that is checked, then ONLY listed sites can open and students would not be able to do any research via google, for example. I would rather not have to continue checking each computer and blocking sites as they find them.

Best Answer

You could use OpenDNS (it's free) as your DNS service provider and then use its filtering/monitoring services.

"Join more than 40,000 schools and districts, including some of America's largest, that use OpenDNS today to achieve CIPA compliance and keep their kids safe online. Start using OpenDNS! It's free. Make navigating the Internet on your network a safe and controlled experience with OpenDNS. Easily achieve CIPA compliance required for E-Rate funding, and make access to online learning tools easier, while blocking unsafe and inappropriate Web sites — including proxies and anonymizers — altogether. There's no appliance to buy and you can manage filtering for all schools in your district from one centralized Web-based dashboard. "

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