Browser URL Blocking – How to Block a URL at Browser Level


Does anyone have a solution (that doesn't involve editing the hosts file) to block a particular URL from FireFox?

Basic back story is that I'm trying to discipline myself. I'm spending FAR too much time over at Server Fault that I want to genuinely block the site from my work PC so that every time I find myself flicking to it during work time I can't see it, but I'd like to be able to disable it during my lunch break. (So I only spend 40 minutes a day there, rather than 4 hours).

That said I don't want to block it at the router, nor for anyone else.

Best Answer

The way I would do it is to install greasemonkey (if you don't already have it)

Then you could write your own script (right click the icon, add new user script). When it asks you where to apply it to, enter "http://**"

The script contains:

window.location.href = "about:blank";

During your lunch-break you simply de-activate that script from greasemonkey

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