Batch the “Extract Here” command

7-zipbatchcommand lineextract

I would like to batch the "Extract Here…" command on a complete folder. Every type of archive should be unzipped into the current folder with the name of the archive file. I have found some BATCH scripts for just *.zip, but I don't care what kind of archive it is, as long as my archiver can open it.

Does anyone know what kind of archiver has such a batching funcionality? I can't seem to find it in 7-zip or winrar.

In pseudo:

Given folder x
foreach archiveFile in x or descendant of x
unzip archiveFile.extension >> "folder of archiveFile/archiveFile"

I have tried the following for only zip files:

dir /s /b *.zip > allzips.txt
for /F %%x in (allzips.txt) do unzip %%x

Where unzip is still an unknown function.

Best Answer

EDIT Given: Using batch script.

You may wish to use a third party zip tool (highly recommend 7-ZIP command line version called 7z.exe) to accomplish this.

with 7z, the syntax is as follows:

7z <command> [<switch>...] <base_archive_name> [<arguments>...]

To extract the command would be:

7z e -y

the -y switch assume "Yes" answer to any questions that may come up during extraction such as overwrite requests.

So your command will read

CD "C:\Location\Of\ZipFiles"
FOR /F "USEBACKQ tokens=*" %%F IN (`DIR /b *.zip`) DO (7z e "%%F" -y)

If you want to output them into a different location, you can use the -o switch and specify the directory:

7z e "%%F" -y -oC:\Some\Other\Folder\


To perform the extract with full paths and specifying all ZIP archives only, use this:

7z x -tzip "C:\Location\of\zips\*"

Or even nutzier... all ZIP files on C: drive:

7z x -r -tzip "C:\*"


Making it compatible with your output file, this:

dir /s /b *.zip > allzips.txt
for /F %%x in (allzips.txt) do (7z x -tzip "%%x")