Batch Script to Trim lines in text to first 30 or 50 characters only

batchcommand linescript

I am now new to scripts but i find it really difficult understanding "for" command (especially with that tokens and delimiters etc) . Saying so, i think that for command can be used to do what i am doing. If its not and there is an easier way, ignore my ignorance 🙁

Say i have multiple lines in a text file abc.txt with each line starting and ending with " (quotes)
E.g. a file of 3 lines

"hey what is going on @mike220. I am working on your car. Its engine is in very bad condition" 
"Because if you knew, you'd get shredded and do it with certainty"
"@honey220 Do you know someone who has busted their ass on a diet only for results to come to a screeching halt after a few weeks"

How can i trim each line, within the quotes, to a Fixed length say 30 or 50 or 100 characters (including spaces)
I want to enter the number of character in batch and it can trim accordingly and produce a file def.txt with trimmed lines within quotes.

Say i enter 50, results of above example should be

"hey what is going on @mike220. I am working on you"
"Because if you knew, you'd get shredded and do it"
"@honey220 Do you know someone who has busted their"


P.S. if you use For command, kindly please explain the command.

Though the answer provided worked, there is an issue with non english text. I am getting garbled text in Output file for non english text in input file . Any help @barlop
here is the nonenglish text ( 1 line)

"फाइल है इसको ना पढ़े आपको कोई मतलांब नही"

Best Answer

This does it

@echo off

setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion

set /p num=Enter chars to show between quotes: 
set /a num=%num%+1

for /f "delims=" %%f in (a.txt) do (
set a=%%f

echo !a:~0,%num%!^"

So, using your example, that's in a.txt So each line starts with a quote, and there are spaces too though it works if there aren't spaces as well.

"hey what is going on @mike220. I am working on your car. Its engine is in very bad condition" 
"Because if you knew, you'd get shredded and do it with certainty"
"@honey220 Do you know someone who has busted their ass on a diet only for results to come to a screeching halt after a few weeks"

And running the batch script

Enter chars to show between quotes: 3

Enter chars to show between quotes: 50
"hey what is going on @mike220. I am working on you"
"Because if you knew, you'd get shredded and do it "
"@honey220 Do you know someone who has busted their"


I have now added two lines, to make it output to a file def.txt

@echo off

setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion

del def.txt 2>nul

set /p num=Enter chars to show between quotes: 
set /a num=%num%+1

for /f "delims=" %%f in (a.txt) do (
set a=%%f

echo !a:~0,%num%!^"
echo !a:~0,%num%!^" >>def.txt

Enter chars to show between quotes: 2

C:\crp\dlsnex>type def.txt


for statements in cmd are a bit tricky. To understand this one, just start off trying to write a for statement that prints every line of a file, without trimming, and use a simple file like one with two lines abcdefg and hijklmn. Then this for statement for /f %f in (a.txt) do @echo %f then you build it up. But that is where you start, if you are to figure out how to do it. Once you have that, add the "delims=" see what effect it has(you might need some spaces in the lines of the file, to see the effect). Then look at how you can get a substring in batch. set a=abcdefg echo %a:~0,2% (prints ab).

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