Bash prompt: how to have the initials of directory path

bashbashrccommand line

I normally have just the name of the current directory in my bash prompt (PS1='\u@\h:\W$ '), so if I am in ~/projects/superapp/src/ I get:


However I'd like to have an indication of the full path without having the full path. I've seen screenshots where people would have


if in the example directory above. So what value of PS1 would give that? Or failing that, what script do I need in my .bashrc to produce that?

Best Answer

Ok, I got curious, so here's one solution:

  1. First, create a function using a slight tweak of William Pursell's answer to the SO question I link in my comment above.
  2. Next, put that in your $PS1 as \$(function_name) in the appropriate place.

As an example:

short_pwd() {
    cwd=$(pwd | perl -F/ -ane 'print join( "/", map { $i++ < @F - 1 ?  substr $_,0,1 : $_ } @F)')
    echo -n $cwd
# later in your .bashrc
PS1="\u \$(short_pwd) \$ "

I'm hopeful that someone more skilled in Bash-scripting than I am can suggest ways to clean up the function, but this should give you some idea of how to use the output of another command (or Bash function) in a prompt. See also here:

Based on your comment, I looked again and realized that my solution needs to be double quoted. If you single-quote such a function, then it will not function at all.