Bash – How to delete directories older than one hour (cron job)


My application creates directories when user performs certain action. These directories are stored on my machine for exactly one hour and than are deleted.

Now I would like to move the 'deleting logic' part of application into a cron job that will run every minute.

Let's say that directories for deletion are located in /tmp/files/. The script should check all directories in this path and delete all that was created one hour ago.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

** SOLVED **

This will do the trick:

find ./* -mmin +60 -type d -exec rm -rdf {} \;

Best Answer

You shouldn't use find ./* because this causes the shell to expand the wildcard before invoking find which will fail if there are too many files.

Instead, you need to pass "./*" to the find command like this:

find . -type d -path "./*" -mmin +60 -exec rm -rf {} \;
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