Bash – Executing scripts with bash from vim


I'm trying to get vim to execute the script I'm editing with a key mapping, say ctrl + x, so I used this in vimrc

:map <C-x> :!exec_file %<CR>

To pass the file name to a script I wrote which parses the extension and calls the appropriate interpreter, this works great so far.

However, I was wondering if I can call bash directly with the script name and have it execute it since most scripts I edit have a shebang line, so I tried this mapping instead:

:map <C-x> :!bash %<CR>

But it doesn't work, is it possible to execute a script by passing its name to bash ?

Best Answer

Vim already uses a shell (see :set shell?) to execute the external command; scripts with shebang lines should work just fine. The canonical way to execute the current buffer is


(Prepending ./ to deal with the current directory not being part of PATH. This assumes that the script is already executable (:!chmod +x %, maybe done in a mapping / ftplugin.)

You can re-execute with just :!!. Also, there are fancier solutions for executing (partial, unsaved, etc.) buffer contents in external interpreters; check the plugins section of

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