Backing up data in an encrypted way


I have the following use case:

  1. There's some data from my PC I want to periodically back-up online
  2. I own some hosting, so I want to use that for the backups, don't want to pay to another backup service
  3. I want to encrypt my data locally prior to moving it to the server

I have no problem writing scripts to automate the process (say, periodically generate the backup and upload by FTP to my server), but my main question is about step 3 – the encryption: which way is recommended to encrypt my files (say, collected into a .ZIP) prior to uploading to the server?

P.S. TrueCrypt seems popular but it's not quite what I'm looking for, since I don't want the files to be constantly encrypted here on my PC.

Best Answer

Actually, TrueCrypt might help you greatly here. As part of an automated process, say via batch file, you could:

  1. Mount a TrueCrypt volume using TrueCrypt's command line interface (or just do it manually).

  2. Copy the files you want to back up into the mounted volume.

  3. Unmount the volume.

  4. Upload the TrueCrypt container to the server in the manner of your choosing.

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