Automatically sort list messages to list folder with IMAP


I would like to automatically move received messages to list-specific folders on an IMAP server with mutt. All these lists are lists known to mutt.

What I do right now is periodically tag messages by Sender and then tag-save them to the right folder. Mutt already suggests the correct folder. This seems way too pedestrian to me, and I feel there should be some way to automate this.

I know there are specific tools available to do this outside of a MUA, but the only ways to access this server seems to be trough some MUA (e.g. I don't have shell access).

How would I best do this inside mutt?

Best Answer

mutt is an interactive MUA, without automatic filtering capabilities. Your best choice would be to find (or write) a scriptable IMAP client.

Sometimes mail servers also have a web interface with filter editing features, or the ManageSieve protocol.

Or, very ugly but doable:

  • grab messages to your own computer using fetchmail/getmail/offlineimap
  • filter through procmail/maildrop/sieve
  • store on your own IMAP server, or upload back using offlineimap.
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