MacOS – Associate a file extension with an app in Snow Leopard


How do you associate a filetype with a certain application in Snow Leopard? Apparently this is different than the last 20 years of Mac operating systems because every article I find about Leopard or before works a certain way (select file, Get Info, specify application under Open With, click Change All, confirm) but when you do this in Snow Leopard, when you Change All, it immediately reverts the app you chose back to what it was. No problem, so I reselect the app. Except now I'm only doing it for the specific file again. How do you associate a filetype with a specific app?

[Edit] apparently I can switch to some apps (e.g.: Firefox worked) but I can't switch to an app created by me from an applescript.

Best Answer

Try RCDefaultApp. You can browse and edit all the associations by UTI, extension, or app.