Are there any expert configuration guides for VLC Media Player

media playervlc-media-player

Are there any expert configuration guides for tweaking the best out of VLC Media Player?

I know that there is the documentation but I'm looking for a guide that takes you through the most important settings of the configuration to tweak it up a little, like those that you can find on

Best Answer

VLC is very complex video player with lots of options. The entire video decoding and display process is extremely complicated. Many times tweaks can be made to enhance performance, however most of the time these tweaks are specific to a specific media file or format. It would be extremely difficult to put together a guide on how to tweak it without being specific to a single format.

IMHO the folks at VLC have done a great job at providing reasonable defaults that perform quite well. If there is some specific aspect of VLC you are looking to tweak, please include it in your question, otherwise, if the defaults aren't cutting it, the VLC documentation is probably the best place to start:

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