Are the CPU temperatures too high


My CPU temperature revolves around 40 – 50 C while idle and it immediately shoots up to 90 C while starting a game as old as AOE II Conquerors.

See below the screenshot which I captured using CPU ID HWMonitor. I want to know if its a concern and I should go for some enhanced CPU Cooler. I have heard the CPU automatically shuts down if its too hot but it never happened for me.

My Configuration is :

  • Intel Core i7
  • 8 GB RAM
  • Nvidia GeForce 210

enter image description here
(click for larger image)

Best Answer

90° C is too hot. Especially since you play an old game on an i7 board. I'm guessing you are using the stock cooler which came with the CPU and you did not overclock it.

How high is ambient temperature? Do you have case fans?

Before buying a new cooler I suggest taking off the cooler, remove the old thermal paste from cooler and CPU 90 % alcohol and apply new paste. Also make sure that it is mounted correctly. On the stock cooler all push pins have to be correctly pushed through. If one is not through the board it doesn't sit right on the CPU.

Edit: I took a look around after you told me that your ambient temperature is at about 31°C and I found this: How-Ambient-Temperatures-Affect-Your-PC. In the test a better cooler was used and I think a different i7 too (you didn't tell the exact model). So reaching 90^C may not bee too far off.

My suggestions:

  1. Change thermal paste and make sure CPU cooler is mounted correctly. This consumes the least time and money.

  2. Add one more fan to inhale cool air or exhale heat from your case if the case has mounting points for one more.

  3. If temperatures are still high (above 80°C) I would consider to buy a better cooler.

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