Windows – Apps sometimes don’t show on system tray

notification-areataskbarwindows xp

I have a problem that sometimes some apps don't show on system tray but sometimes they do show. They don't appear on system tray but they are running if seen from task bar.

What is wrong?

Looking for your helpful answers.

OS: Windows XP

Edit: Some apps include nimbuzz, download accelerator plus, etc. The Windows is working perfectly well, i have also up-to-date anti-virus installed so nothing wrong with Windows.


Best Answer

Whenever you don't see your tray icons (but the application is running in the background), has Windows Explorer crashed?

If yes that why the icons disappear. Windows Explorer will (in most cases) restart. But some of the tray icons will disappear.

The only way I have seen around it is:

  1. Either close that application & restart it. (Tedious)
  2. Log off & login again.