Apply a formula to particular cells in Microsoft Excel

macrosmicrosoft excelspreadsheet

Say I have the following sheet:

  |  A   |  B  |  C  |  
1 |  5   |  1  |  5  |    
2 |  8   |  8  |  99 |
3 |  77  |  3  |  3  |
4 |  2   |  7  |  4  |
5 |      |     |     |
6 | Base:|  2  |     |

Now I want to apply such a 'formula' to the cells mentioned about : =LOG(<cell>, B6), where <cell> is obviously the cell value of the above cells. Obviously, the B6 should remain as it is.

How can I do this without the copy and pasting?

Update: The problem with putting the formula in the first cell and dragging down is that the B6 gets incremented to B7, B8 etc, but I want it to stay as B6

Best Answer

Enter the formula into the first cell, and then click and drag the black square on the bottom right of the cell to cover all the cells you want to contain the formula. Excel is clever enough to update the cell references appropriately as it copies the formula.

Edit You want to add dollar symbols before both parts of the static cell:

LOG(<cell>, $B$6)
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