Apple Magic Trackpad 3-Finger drop lag

lagmagic-trackpadosx lionosx-snow-leopard

After enabling three-finger dragging for my Trackpad, I notice that it drags well, but when I release there is about 1-2 seconds of lag before it actually drops. I understand this is supposed to be a feature so when you run out of space to drag, you have time to move your hand. But, for those of us powerusers, who move really fast, this is a BUG, not a feature. There should be some way to turn it off!

For some perspective, I personally own a Fingerworks trackpad as well (the company Apple bought to make the Trackpad) and it does not suffer this problem. Drops are instantaneous no matter what program I am in. This is hugely frustrating for me, because I thought I was upgrading here and Apple's version does not perform as well as the Fingerworks model (which I purchased in 2004)

I actually made a short video illustrating the problem, and why it is so frustrating for anyone who uses the pad as an artistic tool. Anyone here face this problem? If not, how would you recommend that I address Apple directly about this?

PS – Already looked at this thread and the conclusion does not help me. I do not have one-finger drag enabled.

PPS – I understand that for most people this is not an issue because they use the 'click' feature of the Trackpad. However, after years of using Fingerworks and not having to click ever, I find that it slows me down.

Best Answer

One option (my current solution) is to add a quick tap-in-place at the end of the drag. This signals that the drag is over and eliminates the need for the short delay. Still not ideal, but better than nothing.

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