Apache web server not accessible publicly


I have an Apache (2.4.10) web server running on a desktop with Debian (Jessie, 8).

The desktop has a static local IP address (192.168.x.x) and my WAN (public) IP address has been fixed as well (82.x.x.x) by my ISP. A port-forward for port 80 to this desktop has been added.

I can access the webpage from my LAN without problems, but I cannot access it using the WAN address, from inside or outside my home: I receive a "The webpage is not available – ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" from Chrome. Note that I can open my router using the WAN address (on another port).

The webpage itself is not much more than "index.html" with Hello World.

I tried turning of the iptables firewall, did not work. I tried a different port than 80, did not work. I have called by ISP and port 80 is not blocked. I have already Googled myself crazy. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make the site accessible?

Best Answer

I solved it!

Thanks to Moonpoint I realised the problem was in the Port-Forwarding. So I took another look and noticed that for the port 80-rule, the "WAN Interface" was set to "ADSL" (default). I don't know what it means, so I never changed it. I tried different options and setting it to "ETHWAN" solved the issue. I can now access the webpage publicly and I've add a no-ip DDNS which also works.

EDIT: Now I learned the ETHWAN WAN interface was simply the one added to the router by my ISP and is the interface for glas fiber connection.

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