Windows – Any ideas why Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator 1.4 refuses to work properly on the Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit

keyboardkeyboard-layoutkeymapwindows 7

I downloaded MSKLC 1.4 from from Microsoft's Download Center, Run [it] as Administrator but it refuses to display the keyboard layout after FileLoad Existing Keyboard…:

(Note the selected keyboard layout in the title bar.)


I read in a(n older) forum thread that .NET 3.5 is needed but dotNetFx35setup.exe does simply nothing (at least nothing visible to me) when Run as Administrator.

I have MS .NET Framework 4.6.1 installed. I repaired it from Control PanelPrograms and Features. That didn't help.

I also tried it with Windows XP compatibility settings, to no avail.

I downloaded KeyTweak from a site called jaleco but when I started it my anti-virus SW detected a PUA/InstallCore. Then I found out that it simply does the same what the .reg files in my Q/A linked below do.

I use the solution that I described in How to remap Right-Win and Right-Alt keyboard keys for now, but the need for reboots is inconvenient, since I use this for a keyboard connected to a laptop and I don't want to change its internal one permanently.

Suggestions for other keyboard mapping tools (those without viruses in them) are equally welcome as well as hints for a solution to MSKLC's misbehaviour.


Applying the appropriate Registry change, killing the Explorer process in Task Manager and starting a new Explorer from within Task Manager as proposed in a comment by @barlop doesn't help. A reboot/restart is necessary for the settings to take effect.


Remapkey.exe of the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit as mentioned in an answer to Switch alt and lwindows key in PC (Windows 7) just changes the Registry and needs a reboot, too.


An Autohotkey script containing:


didn't help much either. The swapped R-Alt key works in some apps, in some it shows weird behaviour.

MSKLC doesn't work on my old Windows Vista with the same misbehaviour as described at the beginning of this question.

There's KbdEdit which looks promising (in the other hand, some things up to UPDATE 3 here looked promising, as well). It's not for free, however and I can't tell yet whether it works since saving isn't possible in the demo version.


MSKLC lets you save a keyboard layout loaded with FileLoad Existing Keyboard… as .klc file. This contains:



38  "Right Windows"
5c  "Right Alt"

These are the scancodes of the keys but I didn't find out yet how or if at all they can be swapped.

Best Answer

MSKLC works in Windows 10 (1809) and displays the loaded keyboard layout, if you set the DPI settings from Windows to 100 (default). I.e. you are not allowed to use scaling. I found this info here:

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