Unicode – How to Get Superscript Directly on Top of Subscript


Unicode provides subscripts and superscripts, so I can do this:

And this:


However, combining these two I get:

x²₅ or x₅²

Which looks badly.

Any chance to get the superscript directly on top of the subscript in Unicode?

For clarity, this is what I'd like to achieve:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Your issue is not with Unicode but with the font you use. Technically, every font could use negative kerning to move subsequent super- and subscripts on top of each other. One font that does this is Linux Libertine (if you put the subscript first):

your example rendered with Linux Libertine

On the other hand, this is quite rare. Even STIX, which is specifically designed with mathematical typesetting in mind, does not have this feature.

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