Android-x86 6.0 Marshmallow in VirtualBox doesn’t start


I succesfully installed android-x86-6.0_20160129.iso in VirtualBox but the VM doesn't start.

This is my GRUB:

enter image description here

If I start the VM with the first option I get error Failed to find cpu0 device node. I found out that it's just a non-blocking warning and it's unrelated with the real blocking-issue being that "uvesa (v86d) is broken" (the issue was related to Android 4.4: is it still valid on 6.0?)

enter image description here

If I choose the Debug mode, I see some messages and a hint to type exit to boot, but still no success

enter image description here

enter image description here

Some background:

  • The VM was created from the Ubuntu 32-bit (x86) VirtualBox template
  • The VM has 1 core + 3096 MB RAM
  • Video memory: 32 MB
  • PAE/NX enabled
  • Hardware virtualization: both VTx and nested pagination enabled
  • Graphics acceleration: disabled (both 2D and 3D)
  • Storage: 64 GB attached to IDE virtual controller (was SATA before: makes no difference)

I've already tried all the "standard" VirtualBox procedure (PAE yes/no; SATA/IDE; no soundcard; no USB; graphics accel. yes/no).

I also tried run the Live CD in VESA mode: like this it starts, but I'd still prefer to run it from the HDD.

Best Answer

This worked for me.

  1. At the Grub screen, press e.
  2. Press e again. Add vga=788 (need a leading space).
  3. Press b to boot.

To make this permanent, at the Grub screen, select the second choice. Then follow these steps.

  1. cd /mnt/grub
  2. vi menu.lst
  3. On the 7th line which starts with kernel, press a and then type vga=788 (need a leading space).
  4. Press Esc, then :wq to save the file and quit.
  5. Press the right Ctrl key, select Machine > Reset and then click "Reset".

The error will still appear, but now it will continue on.

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