MacOS – Alias that allows to edit ~/.bashrc and then “sources” it automatically – Why it doesn’t work


I use MacBook Air with OSX 10.7.2.

I would like to create an alias that does the following:

  • Opens TextMate with ~/.bashrc and allows me to edit it
  • Once I close TextMate, "sources" ~/.bashrc (so if I add a new alias, for example, it will be available immediately)

I tried the following:

alias b="/usr/bin/mate -w ~/.bashrc; source ~/.bashrc"

but it doesn't work: when I close TextMate, the shell doesn't return (I don't see the shell prompt).

Any ideas?

Best Answer

I don't have TextMate, but using your example with emacs works as expected. Possibly a problem with TextMate? Could you try another editor?

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